Community . Log in to view your list of favourite games. ROM Hack Request - Rune factory special 4 same-sex marriage mod. 0 Being looked at Priority: Not set. Marriage and the entire 3rd story arc is locked behind it but you can of course just skip through time. Switch the main characters gender to allow same sex marriage. This release is a repackaged version of the 2012 3DS game sharing the same name, with a few quality of life tweaks that deliver an even better version of a beloved. Getting Pregnant. ScourgetheHedge 1 year ago #3. 12. With current build game looks much better, no graphical issues i noticed except it runs at 2x the speed and time runs 2x faster. With this you can play as male main character but with female appearance and voice. Looking at the older "Dialogue and Voices" file, I think this may be able to be achieved by downloading whichever package you prefer to play with (JP or ENG voices), and then ONLY unpacking the . Choose download type. Having a kid in the game gives you access to a new story arc, and is required if you want to gain access to the. Installation. But, I like the Idea in any game. Collections . Mode (s) Single-player. Switch the main characters gender to allow same sex marriage. When speaking to your potential boyfriend or girlfriend, press L or R to trigger the BTW menu. 1MB. Rune Factory 5. Gender Swap (Same Sex Marriage) Miscellaneous. June 13, 2021 ·. Even in the unlikely event Blaise, Wells, and Sherman were options that's still 8 compared to 11. Games. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. It’s only in the two most recent games that HM/SoS included SS marriage proper (not counting the BFF ceremony), the first of which was released less than two years ago. I heard Same Gender Marriage will be in Rune Factory 5. 2. Media . Hi everyone. Mods . I don't know a thing about programming, but it doesn't seem difficult to make all 12 romance options available to both Lest and Frey, as well as just some pronoun adjusting. videogame_asset My games. This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation. [News] Rune Factory 4 Special เตรียมวางขายบน PS4, XB1 และ Steam ช่วงฤดูใบไม้ร่วงปีนี้. KingofUsa85 1 year ago #5. You'll most likely here have to choose add, and find the Yuzu emulator. It was released in Japan in July 2012, in North America in October 2013, and in PAL regions in December 2014. (the same goes for being in a fem/fem couple—start as Lest if you want to marry a girl as Frey). You can look like Lest in the game, including during the wedding (you will have Lest's suit), but you will still be misgendered/referred to as Frey/a she. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources;Double checking the official twitter account's post about it: It's scheduled to be added to the Japanese version by the end of the year. How to Propose in Rune Factory 4. ENG files at the very bottom. the female's voice is highly irritating, so if you tend to play with the. Thread starter konomaru; Start date Feb 25, 2020; Views 20,772 Replies 40 Prev. Rune Factory 4 Special. and extract the zip into the "Bundle" folder in your Rune Factory 4 install directory. Explore. sav from the above post into your save dir. Complete Guide To Medicine. A staff being upgraded in Rune Factory 4. The second table is composed of 8 byte pointers to where those indexes have their contents. One of the Male Exertion Sounds in the new patch is the JP voice version. Edit: official patch notes just say they'll deal with same sex marriage in the next update, which could be this month or whenever. 1) You must start a profile as the gender you do NOT want to be. If you use it with the gender swap mod it should ask to overwrite 00_PLAYER_M_body_04_wedding. I won with 25 fish caught. For example, Harvest Goddess symbolizes the center of the ethos, which is largely about living in harmony with the land and raising a family. so right click desktop; choose nvidia control panel. Rune Factory 5 - No same sex marriage. Each villager has a Friendship Points (FP for short), represented by a level and a progress bar. Guides . Here is the extra order unlocked after the 2nd staff roll. Boards. Age Rating was changed E10+ to. 142. Publisher Discord server. but I don't doubt that a passionate modder will find a way, if they haven't already. Switch the main characters gender to allow same sex marriage. MARKsZ New Member. Skip to content. In a lengthy blog post, Rune Factory 5 ’s publishers confirmed that the English localization will allow same-gender marriages. Miscellaneous. share. Gay people exist in Japan. Marriage. Because it’s more than likely it’ll be the same as was was in RF4 already which is changing your character’s appearance. 1. close. Complete Guide To Forging. and if that option isn't there, count me out. I don't like the ethos of Harvest Moon or Rune Factory titles changing to encouraging homosexuality. Give her a male name (the game will. You will need to raise the affection level of the character you want to marry by talking to them each day and presenting them with gifts. This has been requested by some users. If so , how can I change my gender. Premium. Otherwise, it requires the dialogue mod from Rastrum (provided in the requirements tab), and extra orders to change appearance (also provided in the requirements tab), for the mod to fully work. Rune Factory 4 Special. But by my playthrough and most discussions I've seen of the game's story is over after the final third arc is completed. As with Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny and Rune Factory 2, Rune Factory 4 has two protagonists: a male and a female. Rune Factory was a fantasy-themed spin-off of the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons franchise. It is actually possible to sort of get the game to let you have a same-sex relationship. The possibility of same-sex marriage didn't come out of nowhere in this series. Rune Factory 4 Special. #8. Rune Factory 4 released on the Nintendo 3DS back in 2012 in Japan and saw releases in other regions over the next couple of years. 269. Karin18 9 years ago #3. Playing Rune Factory 4, the latest entry for 3DS, reminded me of a lot of great games. I'd rather have no gay marriage than for that to happen. But in the latest Direct, though it went unstated, they clearly showed the female protagonist marrying one of the bachelorettes, Beatrice. Invite the townsfolk, develop friendships with monsters, and grow stronger together. Rune Factory 4 Special. The original game didn't have it, so they mentioned it to the developers. Download speeds. For Rune Factory 5 on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "same gender marriage?" - Page 12. Speak with your spouse after this happens to determine the gender of the child. Compatibility. 9. . He does help at the general store, but is. Media . This is the test mod I made as a Proof of concept for Rune Factory 4 back in the 3DS days, Curiously enough, it also works on the PC version, by following the install instructions. Avenger. Rune Factory 4 Special – How to Modify Textures . (Search for: Rune Factory 4 Gender swap) seikur0 created it. When they finish speaking. Skip to content. Dolce can come off as very blunt and she won't. You can either choose the gender or let the game choose for you. Heck, in Rune Factory 4, Porcoline is both the biggest benefactor of, and undoubtedly the heart of Selphia, and is the most universally beloved and respected character, only behind Ventuswill, and he is flamboyant, unconventionally handsome, and. And there is no evidence that such an innovation was requested by the majority, or that the majority is satisfied with it. Community . Unlike the sister series Story of Seasons, Rune Factory 5 only lets players get married after they have completed the main story. Here are the male romance options in Rune Factory 4: Amber (Must be rescued from Yokmir Forest) Clorica; Dolce (must be. You'll be able to marry females. Rune Factory 4. Marriage candidates in rune factory 4 special. Games. Rune Factory 4 Special is an excellent remaster of a Nintendo 3DS classic that has a few visual improvements on PC compared to the console versions. To be honest, the only place you could get married would be opposite gender. Players can raise affection to the point of confession to NPCs of the same sex, but will be 100% rejected. search. 0, same-sex marriage has been added to the game so this workaround is no longer necessary. The OP wants to remove this for the same reason that someone asked for this to be added. You may find your Factory Town saves in this folders: C:Usersmy nameAppDataRoamingRune Factory 4 Special Note: AppData folder is . texture. Version: Gender Swap English Voices - Version 0. Games. It took the farming and casual life sim antics and added in a healthy dose of. - Four Leaf clovers grow 5 pieces instead of 4, and regrow after 7 days. Unfortunately, there is no same-sex romance in the game. Gay Marriage and Rune Factory. close. SteamLibrarysteamappscommonRune Factory 4 SpecialBundle. 3. Changelogs. The dialogue does not change, you will be referred to as the inverse gender, but you will be able to date and marry same sex characters. Rune Factory 4, the last installment in the series, was originally released for the Nintendo 3DS a decade ago. When fans. Rune Factory 4 Special. The Japanese release of Rune Factory 5 only let you marry characters of the opposite gender. The first, of course, is the release date: March 22, 2022. Xseed revealed a release date for Rune Factory 5 at the September 2021 Nintendo Direct, and how unlike the 1. This mod switches the main character genders, without needing extra orders, to enable same sex marriage. The producer and several of the development staff agreed. 0 Japanese version, it'll include same-sex romance events and marriage. Replaces Rune Factory 4 Special OP and alternate OP with the original Rune Factory 4 3DS version. Fortunately it seems like we’ll get the confirmation anyway now that the game is out. Mods. I too would love this to be a thing! #4. that at least lets it look visually like 2 dudes being married. Switch the main characters gender to allow same sex marriage. But the Nintendo Direct showed the female protagonist marrying a bachelorette, even though that wasn’t. However it has been updated to confirm sprite swap is still available, and like in RF4 you need to clear the story first. However, both the Japanese and The Western Version will have Same-Sex Marriag. Sep 23, 2021. Gender Swap English Voices - Version 0. 0 update for Rune Factory 5 in Japan, which adds. After the first child is born, players will need to wait for. The first entry in the Rune Factory series since 2012's Rune Factory 4, it was released for the Nintendo Switch in Japan in May 2021 and worldwide by Xseed Games in 2022, including a Windows port. Choose from the options below. MORE:. Just found that after the 2nd Staff roll there is a order added that allow you to change into any character. g. Same sex marriage and friendship. This makes it possible for players to marry the love interest of their choosing without avatar-swapping, changing character appearance, or other conditions. close. close. (Outdated, use gender swap from Rastrum)This mod was made based on the instructions that were used to swap the texture portraits and model with Frey's model to Lest's model. However, there is a way around that we will explain further below. It is a large task to court and marry a girl, and it is in no way required in order to finish the storyline of the game. For Rune Factory 4 Special on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "can we now have same sex relations?" - Page 4. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. . close. 4. Lord Vatek. home Rune Factory 4 Special. UPDATE:. home Rune Factory 4 Special. Collections . Anything that is a . 3. It is the second right-most. Show Enemy Level - 200p. She is known to wear a straight poker face; however that contrasts with her sarcastic and somewhat catty personality and manner of speech. An enhanced version, titled. Mods . Rune Factory 4 Special does not include same-sex marriage or even the “friendship marriages” that have appeared in other Marvelous titles like Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town. i didn't want to start with that, but there it is. Most likely just someone's wishful thinking that a hidden fourth arc would be in the game and marriage with Venti is possible. Level 4. home Rune Factory 4 Special. Joined Dec 8, 2021 Messages 2 Trophies 0. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games. Rune Factory 4 Special – Increasing Skills Guide December 24, 2021 0 Let’s be honest, getting those skills to level 99 is a pain, whether you’re playing for enjoyment, 100%ing the game, or simply trying to go through hell mode. Donation Points system. . There are some graphical bugs on the save screen, but that's not an issue.